Senin, 26 November 2012

WebDAV Installation

GNU/Linux operating systems

First, as an administrator

fallow the Links for the Installation, if you have questions drop me a line and I will do my best to  Help you.

If you are an Advance user you shouldn't have any problems at all.


  1. Install the WebDAV support: sudo apt-get install davfs2
  2. Reconfigure davfs2 to allow access to normal users: sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 (select Yes when prompted)
  3. Add the users you want to be able to mount the share to the davfs2 group: sudo usermod -aG davfs2 <user>
  4. Edit /etc/fstab, and add the following line for each user who wants to mount the folder (with your details where appropriate)
    • For version 1.x: ADDRESS/webdav/owncloud.php /home/<username>/owncloud davfs user,rw,noauto 0 0
    • For version 2.x: ADDRESS/files/webdav.php /home/<username>/owncloud davfs user,rw,noauto 0 0

Then, as each user who wants to mount the folder

  1. Create the folders owncloud & .davfs2 in your home directory
  2. Create the file secrets inside .davfs2, fill it with the following (with your credentials where appropriate)
    • For version 1.x: ADDRESS/webdav/owncloud.php <username> <password>
    • For version 2.x: ADDRESS/files/webdav.php <username> <password>
  3. Ensure the file is only writable by you either through the file manager, or via chmod 600 ~/.davfs2/secrets
  4. Run the command: mount ~/owncloud
  5. To automatically mount the folder on login, add the command you used in step 4 to ~/.bashrc

Known issues:

Resource temporarily unavailable
If you experience trouble when you create a file in the directory, edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf and add use_locks 0
Certificate warnings
If you use a self-signed certificate, you will get a warning. If you are willing to take the risk of a man in the middle attack, run this command instead: echo "y" | mount ~/owncloud > /dev/null 2>&1

Dolphin file manager (KDE, Kubuntu)

  1. Open Dolphin and click on where it says Network in the left hand Places column.
  2. Click on the icon labeled Add a Network Folder
  3. It should come up with WebDAV already selected. Make sure it is and then click Next
  4. Enter the following settings:
    • Name: The name you’ll see in the Places bookmark, for example ownCloud
    • User: Your ownCloud username you use to log in, for example admin
    • Server: Your ownCloud domain name, for example (without http:// before or directories afterwards)
    • Folder: Enter /files/webdav.php
    • Create icon checkbox: Tick to get a bookmark in the Places column
    • Port & Encrypted checkbox: Leave as it is unless you have special settings or an SSL certificate.
  5. Click Finish and enter your ownCloud password
You’re done! You can now save, load, sync files in your ownCloud through Dolphin and other KDE apps. Awesome!

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