Kamis, 13 September 2012

Create a Script to test Network Connection

 Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope what you learn here, will be for doing good or Justice to the World!

Create a Script called netck.sh .  The purpose of the script is to check network connectivity but in the process to learn how testing works as well.  Remember, when you execute a script and it is successful you will get a return of “0″ and if it is unsuccessful you will get any other number.
1. Create the script
ping -c 2 $SITE > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo $(date +%F)
echo Problems with the network!

This variable is used for the site to test against.  You could build in the gateway, another server, etc. if you wanted to.
ping -c 2 $SITE > /dev/null
You will use ping and only ping the site 2 times, with the output being sent to /dev/null so it is not on screen.
if [ $? != 0 ]
This is a test that states that the success must be “0″, in other words the site must be up or it will send a message to the screen.
To test this change google.com to cnn.com(which does not accept pings) and you should see the error message.
echo $(date +%F)
echo Problems with the network!
This reports the error message and the date if the ping is unsuccessful.
2. Test the script and then use other domains

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